In a significant political development, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar’s wife, Sunetra Pawar, filed her nomination papers on Thursday as an NCP candidate for the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections. This move follows her recent defeat in the Lok Sabha elections from the Baramati constituency, where her sister-in-law, Supriya Sule, secured her fourth consecutive victory.
State Minister and senior NCP leader Chhagan Bhujbal confirmed the party’s decision to field Sunetra Pawar for the Rajya Sabha elections. Bhujbal, who had expressed interest in contesting the elections himself, stated that party leaders finalized Sunetra’s candidacy during a meeting on Wednesday evening.
“The NCP has decided to field Sunetra Pawar for Rajya Sabha elections. Even I was keen on contesting the elections, but during a meeting on Wednesday evening, party leaders finalized her name,” Bhujbal said. He further emphasized the need for party unity, stating, “Everyone has to accept the party’s decision. There are some compulsions. I am not an independent person, but a party worker and leader.”
The Rajya Sabha secretariat has announced ten vacancies in the Upper House, including two seats each from Assam, Bihar, and Maharashtra, and one seat each from Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Tripura.