On Monday, Congress leader Supriya Shrinate called for the immediate removal of Amit Malviya, head of the BJP’s IT cell, following allegations of sexual exploitation made by RSS member Santanu Sinha. Sinha, reportedly related to BJP leader Rahul Sinha, accused Malviya of engaging in “nefarious activities,” including the sexual exploitation of women.
“An RSS member, Santanu Sinha, related to BJP leader Rahul Sinha, has said that the BJP IT Cell head Amit Malviya is involved in nefarious activities. He is indulged in the sexual exploitation of women, not just in 5-star hotels but also in BJP offices in West Bengal. The only thing that we seek from the BJP is justice for women,” Shrinate stated during a press conference in New Delhi.
Shrinate emphasized the gravity of the allegations, noting that they surfaced less than 24 hours after Prime Minister Narendra Modi was sworn in for his third term. “Serious charges of sexual exploitation have been leveled against a very prominent office bearer of the BJP, the head of its IT cell,” she added.
The Congress leader demanded Malviya’s immediate removal from his influential position to ensure a fair investigation. “Today we seek the immediate removal of Amit Malviya from his position. It’s an extremely influential position. It’s a position of power and there can be no independent inquiry. There can be no independent probe. There cannot be justice unless and until he is removed from his position.”
In response to the allegations, Amit Malviya sent a legal notice to Santanu Sinha on Saturday, demanding the retraction of the “false and derogatory post” and an unconditional apology. The legal notice stated, “The nature of the allegations is extremely offensive as they falsely allege sexual misconduct purportedly committed by my client. The same is fatally injurious to the dignity and reputation of my client, who, by virtue of his professional profile, is a public figure. Such malevolently malicious statements have been deliberately made to tarnish his reputation.”